How old is Anthony Pratt (businessman)? When is Anthony Pratt (businessman)'s birthday? Where is Anthony Pratt (businessman) born? Where did Anthony Pratt (businessman) grow up from? What's Anthony Pratt (businessman)'s age?
Anthony Pratt (businessman) Born: 1960 (age 63years), Melbourne, Australia
How about Anthony Pratt (businessman)'s parents?
Anthony Pratt (businessman) Parents: Richard Pratt, Jeanne Pratt
How about Anthony Pratt (businessman)'s sibling?
Anthony Pratt (businessman) Sibling: Heloise Waislitz
Does Anthony Pratt (businessman) have any children? What are the names of Anthony Pratt (businessman)'s children? What are the ages of Anthony Pratt (businessman)'s children?
Anthony Pratt (businessman) Children: Leon Pratt
How about Anthony Pratt (businessman)'s education?
Anthony Pratt (businessman) Education: Monash University Clayton Campus
How about Anthony Pratt (businessman)'s net worth?
Anthony Pratt (businessman) Net worth: 11.2billion USD (2024)
How about Anthony Pratt (businessman)'s current_partner?
Anthony Pratt (businessman) Current_partner: Claudine Revere
How did Anthony Pratt make his money?
After recent allegations Trump had leaked classified US submarine fleet details to Pratt, the covert recordings reveal the billionaire claimed the former president also disclosed non-public details about US military action in Iraq and a private conversation with Iraq's leader.
How much is the Pratt family worth?
After recent allegations Trump had leaked classified US submarine fleet details to Pratt, the covert recordings reveal the billionaire claimed the former president also disclosed non-public details about US military action in Iraq and a private conversation with Iraq's leader.
How many times has Anthony Pratt been married?
After recent allegations Trump had leaked classified US submarine fleet details to Pratt, the covert recordings reveal the billionaire claimed the former president also disclosed non-public details about US military action in Iraq and a private conversation with Iraq's leader.
What are the Pratts Trump tapes?
After recent allegations Trump had leaked classified US submarine fleet details to Pratt, the covert recordings reveal the billionaire claimed the former president also disclosed non-public details about US military action in Iraq and a private conversation with Iraq's leader.