Fame | Bob Anderson (entertainer) net worth and salary income estimation Jan, 2024

When was Bob Anderson (entertainer) born and when is Bob Anderson (entertainer)'s birthday?

According to wikipedia, Bob Anderson (entertainer) was born on August 15, 1990. If you think Bob Anderson (entertainer)'s age is not correct, please leave a comment about Bob Anderson (entertainer)'s real age and Bob Anderson (entertainer)'s actual birthday below.

How tall is Bob Anderson (entertainer) and what is Bob Anderson (entertainer)'s height?

According to internet, Bob Anderson (entertainer)'s height is 1.75m. Please let us know if you think data we have about Bob Anderson (entertainer)'s height is not correct.

Who is Bob Anderson (entertainer)'s partner?

Celebrities more often then not want to keep their love affairs secret, if you happen to know the name of Bob Anderson (entertainer)'s partner, please leave a comment in the section below.

Did Bob Anderson play Darth Vader?

He was particularly proud of Viggo Mortensen, as Aragorn, whom he described as "the best swordsman I've ever trained". Others who benefited from Anderson's coaching were Michael Caine in Kidnapped (1971), Christopher Lambert and Sean Connery in Highlander (1986) and Antonio Banderas in The Mask of Zorro (1998).

How old is Bob Anderson Darts?

He was particularly proud of Viggo Mortensen, as Aragorn, whom he described as "the best swordsman I've ever trained". Others who benefited from Anderson's coaching were Michael Caine in Kidnapped (1971), Christopher Lambert and Sean Connery in Highlander (1986) and Antonio Banderas in The Mask of Zorro (1998).

What did Bob Anderson do?

He was particularly proud of Viggo Mortensen, as Aragorn, whom he described as "the best swordsman I've ever trained". Others who benefited from Anderson's coaching were Michael Caine in Kidnapped (1971), Christopher Lambert and Sean Connery in Highlander (1986) and Antonio Banderas in The Mask of Zorro (1998).

Who did Bob Anderson train?

He was particularly proud of Viggo Mortensen, as Aragorn, whom he described as "the best swordsman I've ever trained". Others who benefited from Anderson's coaching were Michael Caine in Kidnapped (1971), Christopher Lambert and Sean Connery in Highlander (1986) and Antonio Banderas in The Mask of Zorro (1998).
