How old is Francisca Lachapel? When is Francisca Lachapel's birthday? Where is Francisca Lachapel born? Where did Francisca Lachapel grow up from? What's Francisca Lachapel's age?
Francisca Lachapel Born: May 5, 1989 (age 34years), Azua, Dominican Republic
How tall is Francisca Lachapel in meters or centimeters?
Francisca Lachapel Height: 1.62m
Is Francisca Lachapel married? When did Francisca Lachapel get married? Who's Francisca Lachapel's married to? (Who's Francisca Lachapel's husband / wife)?
Francisca Lachapel Spouse: Francesco Zampogna (m. 2019), Rocky Lachapel (m. 20102016)
How about Francisca Lachapel's parents?
Francisca Lachapel Parents: Divina Montero
How about Francisca Lachapel's sibling?
Francisca Lachapel Sibling: Ambioris Rafael Mndez Montero
How about Francisca Lachapel's books only?
Francisca Lachapel Books only: Una reina como t
Who is Francisca Lachapel husband?
Francisca Lachapel, a native of the Dominican Republic and co-host on Univision's Spanish-language morning show Despierta America, is also an MDC student by night.
Where is Francisca Lachapel from?
Francisca Lachapel, a native of the Dominican Republic and co-host on Univision's Spanish-language morning show Despierta America, is also an MDC student by night.