How old is Roland Martin (fisherman)? When is Roland Martin (fisherman)'s birthday? Where is Roland Martin (fisherman) born? Where did Roland Martin (fisherman) grow up from? What's Roland Martin (fisherman)'s age?
Roland Martin (fisherman) Born: March 14, 1940 (age 83years), Maryland, United States
Does Roland Martin (fisherman) have any children? What are the names of Roland Martin (fisherman)'s children? What are the ages of Roland Martin (fisherman)'s children?
Roland Martin (fisherman) Children: Scott Martin
How much money has Roland Martin won?
In 306 B.A.S.S. tournaments, Martin finished in the money in 193, including 102 Top 10 finishes, and earned more than $1 million.
What happened to Aaron Martens fisherman?
Aaron Martens, a champion professional fisherman who was a three-time Bassmaster Angler of the Year, died Thursday from brain cancer, his family said. He was 49. Martens' wife, Lesley Martens confirmed his death in a Facebook post Thursday night. "We are heartbroken beyond words," Lesley Martens wrote.
Are Scott Martin and Roland Martin related?
Martin, the 2011 Forrest Wood Cup champion, hails from a famous fishing family \u2013 he is the son of the legendary Roland Martin.