How old is Vikki Thorn? When is Vikki Thorn's birthday? Where is Vikki Thorn born? Where did Vikki Thorn grow up from? What's Vikki Thorn's age?
Vikki Thorn Born: 1974 (age 49years), Australia
Is Vikki Thorn married? When did Vikki Thorn get married? Who's Vikki Thorn's married to? (Who's Vikki Thorn's husband / wife)?
Vikki Thorn Spouse: Matt Thorn
How about Vikki Thorn's skos genre?
Vikki Thorn Skos genre: Folk
How about Vikki Thorn's group?
Vikki Thorn Group: The Waifs (Since1992)
Who is the lead singer of the Waifs?
Our showcase band today are based in sunny Albany, Western Australia. At the beating heart of the band The Waifs, are two sisters Vikki Thorn and Donna Simpson, together with guitarist Josh Cunningham.
Who are the siblings of the Waifs?
Our showcase band today are based in sunny Albany, Western Australia. At the beating heart of the band The Waifs, are two sisters Vikki Thorn and Donna Simpson, together with guitarist Josh Cunningham.